


2023年04月30日 日曜日 日本の歴史 005









The gods of Japan are said to have first been recognized as existing in the mythological age. In ancient Japan, gods who governed natural phenomena such as the sky, sea, mountains, rivers, and forests were worshipped, and each god was believed to possess power or a particular ability.

According to Japan's first myth, gods were born through the creation of heaven and earth. The first to appear were the heavenly god "Izanagi" and the earthly god "Izanami," who were responsible for dividing heaven and earth.

Afterwards, they constructed a palace together and got married. Izanami gave birth to twelve goddesses, one of whom was the "Sun Goddess" Amaterasu, considered the greatest god in Japan. Izanami also gave birth to the fire god Tagi, who is said to have created various things in Japan such as weapons, tools for agriculture, and houses.

In this way, the gods of Japan are closely linked to natural phenomena and regional cultural traditions. Mythical gods are worshipped to solve problems such as weather, illness, and war in the real world, and continue to influence people's lives and actions as part of Japanese culture and thought.

